Avidemux for MacOS

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Avidemux for MacOS

Avidemux for MacOS Download

Avidemux for MacOS Features:

Avidemux for Mac is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. Avidemux for macOS supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting capabilities.

Features and Highlights
Non-linear video editing.
Apply filters and effects.
Transcode into various formats.
Insert or extract audio streams.
Subtitle processor.
Project system.
Powerful scripting capabilities.
Graphical or command line interfaces.
Video encoders: MPEG-4 AVC, XviD, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2 Video, MPEG-1 Video, DV.
Audio encoders: AC-3, AAC, MP3, MP2, Vorbis, PCM.
Container: AVI, MPEG-PS/TS, MP4, MKV, FLV, OGM.
Note: Requires 64-bit processor.

Avidemux for MacOS Download

Avidemux for MacOS Info:

Euma and szlldm worked hard to bring you a nice christmas present.


New Features
- HDR video can be converted to SDR with tone mapping using a variety of methods.
- FFV1 encoder is back (it was available in Avidemux 2.5.x).
- TrueHD audio tracks can be decoded and are supported for Matroska containers.
- Decoding support for WMA9 Lossless codec.
- Filter previews have got a unified method to quickly compare filtered and unfiltered inputs via the 'Peek Original' button.
- Blend and motion interpolation options added to 'Resample FPS' filter.
- Mark cut points (segment boundaries) on the navigation slider. New buttons and shortcuts are provided to jump to these cut points.
- In the Video Filter Manager, active filters can be temporarily disabled.
- Preference added to load sequentially named pictures in reverse order, allowing to reverse video by exporting selection as JPEG images and loading the first one.
- During playback navigation is possible via keys or by dragging the navigation slider.

Other Enhancements
- Resample FPS" and "Change FPS" filters can handle up to 1000 fps.
-"Crop" filter's preview has got a translucent green masking.
-"Crop" filter's Auto Crop function can achieve perfect crops (if the selected frame is not too dark).
-The maximum output resolution of the "Resize" filter has been increased to 8192x8192
-The "Resize" filter has got a nearest neighbour scaling option.
-Improved HiDPI scaling in previews.
-x264 video encoder plugin now allows to specify color properties.
-Maximized window state, widget visibility and toolbar position are preserved after application restart.
-Timestamps in format 00:00:00.000 like copied to clipboard by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C can be pasted into the "Go to Time" dialog using CTRL+V.
-PulseAudioSimple audio device has been replaced with full PulseAudio, making an in-application volume control available (Linux only).
-ALSA audio device plugin has been modified to use soft volume, providing application-specific volume control which works with every ALSA device.
-In the Video Filter Manager, navigation by keyboard has been enhanced.
-The VU meter ("Audio Metre") has been redesigned.

-Occasional UI unrepsonsiveness during playback should be fixed.
-Prevent navigation key events piling up.
-Thumb slider, displaced by mouse wheel, is now automatically reset if the end of video is reached, stopping Avidemux log file from filling

disk space.
-Purple tint in old "Fade to" and "Fade to black" filters on macOS fixed.
-Green tint in "MPlayer eq2" filter is fixed.

- Bundled FFmpeg libraries have been updated to 4.4.1 release.

Avidemux for MacOS Information:
Avidemux offers users with many basic edits such as cut, crop, rotate & flip, filter-adding. It is best for beginner users to make quick edits. If you are fresh to video editing, Avidemux may be your safe pick.

Avidemux is one piece of beginner-favored open source free video editing software developed by SourceForge. It can run on various operating systems such as Windows OS: 98 SE, XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8, ME, macOS X, and Linux. Till now, the application has been upgraded to its version 2.7.5 with some bugs fixed and extra plugins added. Avidemux supports various file types, and media types with the file extension of .MP4, .MKV, .AVI, .MOV, .WMV, .WMA, .ASF, .TS, .OGM, .3GP, .VOB, .WebM, etc. are supported as its input format. However, the output formats are, sort of limited in Avidemux, and container formats, namely ASF, WMV, WMA, MOV, 3GP, VP8, VP9, can't be selected as an output format in it.

Avidemux for MacOS

Avidemux Minimum System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 11/ Windows 10 / Window 8, 8.1 / Windows 7 / XP / Vista; macOS; Linux
Memory (RAM): 512MB
Hard Disk: 50MB
Processor: Intel Pentium IV or above
Download Avidemux: http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/download.html [the latest version]

As for editing features that most users concern, Avidemux offers you basic editing features that you need - you can cut and merge video clips, flip and rotate the whole video, and add filters to recreate a new video content.

As an open-source freeware, Avidemux does well in providing users with engagement in the program. In its official forum, users can free communicate on the site, share sample test, and even report bugs in it.

In order to get the most impartial review on Avidemux, we have run down tests on the application since its version 2.6 and noted down those reports. More than that, we have collected massive feedback (on both bright side and dark side) from its frequent users to get even-handed on the results. On the following page, we will walk you through a thorough review on Avidemux, with no fear or favor, but to offer you the complete assessment on this video editor in the most neutral way. 
Avidemux for MacOS Download

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